VeChain - Media Kit & Brand Guidelines

Media Kit

Media Kit

You can use our brand assets to advertise that your project is built on vechain, when creating a blog post, video, social media post or news article about vechain. When using the vechain logos, brand identity, trademarks and colors please adhere to the instructions in our guidelines found below.

Color palette

The vechain colors represent the brand’s positioning within two opposing worlds: that of technology and that of sustainability.The colors are not to overlap with each other, but can be used together within a gradient.The latter goes from purple to green precisely to represent how vechain is committed to becoming an ever more sustainable brand.

HEX #28008C
RGB 40, 0, 140
CMYK 100, 100, 15, 0

RGB 0, 190, 215
CMYK 75, 0, 20, 0

HEX #82BE00
RGB 130, 190, 0
CMYK 60, 0, 100, 0

Shades - color distance


Our logo is the most important asset of our visual identity. To build our brand awareness, our logo should always be used in a consistent manner, adhering to the guidelines written down below. Depending on the space available, both the horizontal and vertical logotypes can be used. When the full brand does not fit or the square canvas size requires a more compact shape, for example in icons, our pictogram can be used.

Master logo

Horizontal logo

Vertical logo

Square logo

Script logo

Token icons


The function of VET is to serve as a value-transfer medium, or in other words, smart money, to enable rapid value circulation within the ecosystem.


VTHO represents the underlying cost of using the vechainThor blockchain and will be consumed (or, in other words, burned) after certain blockchain operations are performed

Master logo


The function of VET is to serve as a value-transfer medium, or in other words, smart money, to enable rapid value circulation within the ecosystem.


VTHO represents the underlying cost of using the vechainThor blockchain and will be consumed (or, in other words, burned) after certain blockchain operations are performed

Usage guidelines

When naming, please avoid any names that pretend to be vechain, vechainThor blockchain, or the VET and VTHO tokens. Unless you have been officially endorsed, avoid representing that you have been endorsed by the VeChain Foundation or anyone involved with vechain.

Minimum logo dimensions

The respect area is the space adjacent to the logo that is not to be occupied or invaded with text and/or other graphics or images, in order to maintain its recognizability and visibility.

The respect area is calculated for all logos based on the height and width of the letter “V” in the text.

The pictogram is an exception, whose respect area is calculated low, at ½ of its height.

Respect area

To guarantee adequate readability, every logo must respect the minimum dimensions indicated.

Improper use of the logo

Each version of the logo must be used correctly and not altered or distorted in any way. Below is a list of the most common mistakes to avoid:

Minimum logo dimensions

The respect area is the space adjacent to the logo that is not to be occupied or invaded with text and/or other graphics or images, in order to maintain its recognizability and visibility.

The respect area is calculated for all logos based on the height and width of the letter “V” in the text.

The pictogram is an exception, whose respect area is calculated low, at ½ of its height.

To guarantee adequate readability, every logo must respect the minimum dimensions indicated.

Each version of the logo must be used correctly and not altered or distorted in any way. Below is a list of the most common mistakes to avoid: